Clutch control is one of the hardest things for learners to master, and is even capable of causing trouble for experienced motorists. Nevertheless, with a lot of UK vehicle drivers still taking the wheel of a manual cars, it remains a necessary ability.

With this in mind, we have actually produced our very own top ideas to help you conquer your clutch control problems and take pleasure in smooth driving from now on.

1. Practise finding the biting point

If you discover that you’re regularly stalling the car, the best thing to do is to go back to square one. This implies beginning with the essentials: finding the biting point. If you manage to get this under control, you can start restoring your clutch control again.

When you’re prepared to start, make sure the handbrake is used, step down on the clutch and switch to first gear. Next, begin to slowly raise the clutch pedal. You’ll be able to feel the car reach the biting point, as it will begin to fight against the handbrake to inch forward.

Practise doing this numerous times. The more you permit yourself to get utilised to the procedure of finding the biting point, the more you’ll solidify your muscle memory.


2. Start to add gas

By this point, you ought to have the ability to more or less find the biting point in your sleep. Now, it’s time to start introducing the accelerator pedal into the mix.

As you begin to bring the clutch pedal up, you should slowly start to press down on the accelerator pedal. Think of it as a see-saw, if you will. As you bring up the clutch and lower on the gas, there will be an equilibrium in which the car is completely still. As soon as you launch the handbrake and increase the gas a little – taking your foot off the clutch – you’ll start to move forwards.

When you’re bringing the clutch up, you need to take your time. As you’re releasing the clutch, you need to make sure you’re not being too heavy-footed with the accelerator pedal. When you figure it out however, clutch control will be a walk in the park.


3. Change your shoes.

Still can’t make heads or tails of clutch control? If you keep varying in between “I truly can’t figure out clutch control” and “I think I’ve mastered it now”, your problem may effectively lie at your feet. That being said, it could be your choice of shoes that’s making clutch control such a struggle.

Clutch control relies on your capability to feel the pedals appropriately and move without any constraints. If you’re wearing inflexible shoes with a thick sole, for example, you’re not going to be able to get a great enough feel for the clutch and biting point.

The next time you have a driving lesson or go on a practice run, try bringing a few sets of shoes with you. As you progress, take a couple of breaks so that you can change your shoes up until you find a set that seem to work. Just keep in mind that flip flops are never ever appropriate!


4. Stop rushing.

When you first begin driving, your instructor will have you practicing on quiet roads that do not have much traffic. This is fantastic for newbies, as it gives them time to get to grips with the fundamentals without interruption– finding the biting point with gas and triggering without a hitch. It’s when you begin to factor in heavy traffic and junctions that it can begin to get untidy.

Suddenly, it’s on green and you’ve got to move. You stall the automobile and attempt not to have a disaster. Its very common to get worked up or stressed behind the wheel, take a look at our top tips to keep calm and avoid anxiety when driving.

You ‘d be hard-pressed to find a single student driver that hasn’t been in this situation before. Instead of going into panic mode, you need to take your time.


5. Remember that all clutches are different.

If your driving trainer has just recently changed their car, or you’ve purchased your first one, you might only just be starting to fight with clutch control. Whilst it may appear like it’s come out of nowhere, there’s really a basic description– all clutches are different.


You’r driving instructor’s car might have a high biting point, which indicates you need to move your foot up higher to discover it. As soon as you pass your test and acquire your own vehicle, it could very well have a lower biting point that does not need as much upward movement. As you’re so utilised to a high biting point, nevertheless, you may find yourself losing control and surging forward without suggesting to.

Whenever you change car, you’ll have to get used to a totally different biting point. So, if you have changed cars just recently, we ‘d suggest returning to our first tip. Practise finding your brand-new biting point up until your muscle memory catches up.


6. Take a break.

It’s all too easy to get in your own head about things sometimes. Once you stall the automobile once, two times and so on, it’s hard to stop. It resembles your brain is informing you how to trigger properly, but your lead feet keep on slamming down and turning up too quick anyhow.

If this occurs while practicing, it might be worth taking a step back for a while. Sometimes, continuing can be counter-productive. Instead of gaining from your mistakes, you can wind up stuck in a rut due to the fact that you’re so distressed or disappointed.

Rather than beat yourself up over it, you ought to take a break from driving for the day. Attempt to inhabit your time with something other than driving.


7. Listen to your trainer.

No matter how mad or frustrated you get at your absence of progress with clutch control, you ought to always pay attention to your trainer’s feedback. If they tell you, for example, that you’re bringing the clutch up too quickly, then you know you need to slow it down. Your driving trainer understands what they’re talking about, which is why you ought to trust their judgement. Even if you seem like you’re a bad driver, or that you’re never ever going to “get it”, trust your instructor’s judgement. Already passed your test? If you’re no longer driving with an instructor, you may want to look into driving with a member of the family or buddy who has a couple of years of driving experience under their belt. They might be able to provide you a couple of pointers to help you master clutch control.