Parking is among the least enjoyable elements of driving a car. Whether it’s sky-high charges, a shortage of areas or a clamping problem, the concern is never ever far from a driver’s mind.

The subject of where you can park is more complex than you might think. If it’s been a while since you read the Highway Code, you may have forgotten where you’re not allowed to stop or park. Similarly, you might be puzzled when it comes to parking outside your own house.

Here, we expose the places where it’s illegal to park your car, in addition to a couple of realities about parking in the UK.

Yellow lines

Many drivers are aware that yellow lines connect to parking restrictions, although numerous pick to ignore the signs. Double yellow lines suggest a restriction of waiting at ANY TIME, even if there are no upright signs. Essentially, you can not park on double yellow lines.

Things aren’t so clear when it comes to single yellow lines. You MUST NOT wait or park on yellow lines during the times of operation revealed on the signs or at the entrance to a Controlled Parking Zone. Frequently, you’ll discover that parking restrictions are lifted overnight or at weekends.

You likewise MUST NOT wait, park, set down or pick up on school entrance markings when upright signs indicate a restriction of stopping.

Parking by the roadside

The Highway Code says you need to use off-street parking areas or bays marked out by white lines whenever possible. If you need to come by the roadside, you must abide by the following guidelines:

– Do not park facing toward the traffic flow
– Stop as close as you can to the side of the road
– Do not stop too close to a vehicle displaying a Blue Badge
– Do not park in spaces reserved for Blue Badge holders, residents or motorcycles

There are specific guidelines regarding parking partly or entirely on the pavement.

Where you must not  stop or park

The Highway Code goes on to note the following locations where you MUST NOT stop or park:

– The carriageway or the hard shoulder of a motorway, other than in an emergency
– A pedestrian crossing, consisting of the zig-zag lines
– A clearway
– Taxi bays
– An Urban Clearway during its hours of operation
– A road marked with double white lines in the middle, even when a damaged white line is on your side of the road. The exception is to pick up or set down travelers, or to fill and dump goods
– A tram or cycle lane during its hours of operation
– A cycle track
– Red lines, unless otherwise suggested by signs

Other parking limitations

Rule 243 of the Highway Code says DO NOT stop or park in the following locations:

– Near a school entryway
– Anywhere you would prevent gain access to for emergency services
– At or near a bus/tram stop or taxi rank
– On the approach to a level crossing or tramway crossing
– Reverse or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
– Near the brow of a hill or humpback bridge
– Reverse a traffic island or another parked vehicle
– Where you would require other traffic to get in a cable car lane
– Where the kerb has actually been decreased to help wheelchair users and powered movement cars
– In front of an entryway to a home
– On a bend
– Where you would obstruct cyclists’ use of cycle facilities

These rules apply other than when you are required to stop by fixed traffic.

What if someone parks on your driveway?

You’re not allowed to park across the entrance to a home, there’s absolutely nothing to stop somebody parking on the road outside your house.

As soon as the car is on a driveway, it’s technically on private property– where the local council has no jurisdiction. A council will remove an abandoned car from private or public residential or commercial property, but if the vehicle is taxed, guaranteed and has a legitimate MOT they’re not likely to touch it.

Penalty Charges for illegal parking

The Traffic Management Act 2004 was presented to take on blockage and interruption on the road network. It provides local authorities more power to manage parking policies, coordinate street works and impose some moving traffic offences.
A Charge Notice (PCN, or parking ticket), might be imposed and provided through the civil rather than the criminal justice system. The fine can generally be up to ₤ 70 outside London, or as much as ₤ 130 within the capital.

The PCN is discounted by half if paid within 2 week of receiving the ticket. If the fine is left overdue, the local authority can pursue the debt through the County Court.